Today is a very proud moment for Pakistan that 9 Pakistanis have made it to the Forbes' '30 under 30' list. Kudos to these brilliant young people!
For MizLink Pakistan it is a very proud moment as well because one of our previous interviewees Ms. Sadia Bashir is one of these brilliant young entrepreneurs. MizLink Pakistan published her interview on our website and on our FB Page in May 2015.
Sadia Bashir-An Entrepreneur and a Tech Professional Read her interview here:
Sadia Bashir
The segment on Ms. Sadia is quoted under from Dawn News:
Sadia Bashir (29)
"In a country where women’s education isn't always a priority, Sadia Bashir wanted to help women break into the male-dominated industry of video game production. Bashir was working in design when she cofounded Pixel Art Games Academy.
The academy's mission is to bridge the gap between industry demand and education, by providing training in game design and production, game programming, digital art and animation. Her program tries to address the significant gender gap in the game industry by maintaining a minimum 33% ratio of women, hoping to inspire women in Pakistan to dream bigger.
To that end, she's also created scholarships for women who want to learn video game development within her academy.
We are very proud of you Sadia, keep it up!!!