40 suits

by Pardesi
(Australia )

It’s not a story it’s just a question which comes in my mind when I was hearing about the preparations of my cousin upcoming wedding in Pakistan. And my mother told me her dowry will have 40 suits for in-laws like paternal and maternal family of the groom and I was shocked. Because those are the clothes which are often judged no one likes and say they are not good enough and still people want this such a burden to the bride's family.

I am originally from Pakistan but graduated from overseas university and work overseas so with time i started questioning things the norms of my society. Why do we have to think as a young Pakistani girl we get a partner who doesn’t want dowry when will a girl herself will able to negotiate that she won’t be bringing any dowry.

The best gift is education the woman in my country is very educated most of young women in Pakistan have masters degree but even though why can’t we decide to take a bold step and say no to dowry ourselves. When will we be free enough to release ourselves from what is expected of us.

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Jul 17, 2023
40 Suits
by: Mizlink Team

This is not the norm of the society but only of a certain lot of 'ghair khandani' families.

This is not done if you marry into a good family. Assess the background without looking at the financial position, education or professional position. Always assess the background by assessing the value system of the families one intends to marry into. No decent and truly 'khandani' family would demand anything such as dowry or as the '40 suits' conundrum that you have come across.

Dump such people as rubbish.

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